Craig Turley, the Fisheries Improvement Manager for IPNLF, recently travelled from the UK to South Africa to work with the one-by-one tuna fishers. He has documented his trip through a series of vlogs, to educate consumers on the beauty of small-scale fishing.

His adventures can be found on Youtube and Instagram, and we’ve included some of the highlights below to give you an insight into Craig’s South African experience!

To kick off his video series, Craig talks us through IPNLF, what his role is with the charity, why small-scale tuna fisheries are so important, and why he has travelled to South Africa specifically.

Down at the port Craig compares a South African pole-and-line vessel to a Japanese longliner, check it out below to find out how many hooks are used in longline fishing!

Craig encounters a sunfish whilst out pole-and-line fishing for tuna!

Watch as Craig befriends a giant stingray back on shore in Struisbaai. These giant stingrays come up to the fishing vessels when the fishers return from their trips, to feed on the offal and baitfish the fishers no longer have use for. Craig knows they are gentle and curious and is not afraid to get up close and personal!

Ryan, founder of Greenfish, compares one of his pole-and-line fishing vessels with a trawling vessel, seen out in the open ocean.

Trawlers pull nets along the sea bed using weights, which causes devastating habitat damage.

Ryan and his crew pull in a Sentry Safe floating out in the open ocean!

Watch Craig’s account of this interesting find to see what they discovered inside!