Accelerate action: Region with the world’s largest tuna fisheries needs robust, holistic and inclusive management

[3rd December 2019 ]

IPNLF is calling on the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to expedite the delivery of dynamic controls that will support a sustainable and equitable future for the region’s tuna fisheries

The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), the only non-profit that is solely committed to promoting responsible one-by-one tuna fisheries and supply chains, is urging the decision makers at the upcoming annual meeting of the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to strengthen the management framework for sustainable and equitable tuna fisheries in the region. 

The Western and Central Pacific Ocean is home to the world’s largest tuna fishery, two of the largest pole-and-line fisheries, and many troll and handline fisheries – all of which support coastal communities throughout the region. To ensure these one-by-one tuna fisheries and the communities that depend on them can flourish, IPNLF asks the WCPFC to adopt management tools and controls that safeguard tuna stocks and ecosystems. The call comes ahead of the WCPFC’s Regular Session, which convenes on 5-11 December in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 

In its official Position Statement, IPNLF encourages Commission members, cooperating non-members and participating territories (CCMs collectively), to adopt a number of conservation and management measures (CMMs) that will strengthen the sustainability and long-term viability of tuna fisheries in the region.

Roy Bealey, IPNLF Fisheries Director, says, “We have welcomed those science-based tools that the WCPFC has previously incorporated into the region’s tuna fisheries management, but many opportunities remain for the Commission to deliver the equitable and holistic framework required to safeguard tuna stocks and their supporting marine ecosystems. The CCMs must act in the best interests of inclusive fisheries and their many reliant communities while accelerating initiatives that enable low-impact, one-by-one fisheries to also flourish.” 

Specifically, IPNLF’s Position Statement urges WCPFC members to prioritise the following actions:

IPNLF’s full Position Statement ahead of the 16th Regular Meeting of WCPFC is available here