
IPNLF’s mission is to empower responsible fisheries, which give back to the seas and the people that depend on them.

This means that we will champion the fisheries that are already achieving this and empower and equip others to do the same. This has been embedded in our work since the beginning as we have helped fisheries to improve their fishing practices and will continue to be at the core of what we do moving forward, as we launch the Fisheries Improvement Toolkit.


Our vision for the future is a world with thriving fisheries that work in balance with nature by catching one fish at a time.

This is why we work, both, directly on the ground with fishers and communities, and with decision makers such as RFMOs, local governments and multiple stakeholders. We recognise the importance of championing and promoting local, traditional methods of fishing as they currently fight for their place in the supply chain against industrial bodies. We believe that these communities hold the answer to the future of our oceans as we move away from overfishing towards a more holistic approach to sustainability; environmental impact should not be the sole factor for sustainability claims or standards. We should also take social and economical elements into account for driving change as a responsible approach.


The IPNLF Values describe what we believe in, and act as guiding principles for how we interact with colleagues internally and externally and for how we approach our work.

Our organisational Values were developed by our team of staff and Trustees, and help articulate IPNLF’s culture and identity, inform our strategies, and act as a mechanism for improving our accountability and performance. We believe practicing our Values is fundamental to IPNLF’s thriving community. We hope they provide our supporters and collaborators with a positive expectations of what to anticipate when engaging with IPNLF.