We, the participants of the 7th International Coastal Tuna Business Forum hosted by the Government of Indonesia and the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), held in Bali on 25 May 2023, as well as supporting IPNLF Members, issue the following Declaration in support of One-by-One Tuna Fisheries and Blue Transformation in Indonesia to ensure a Sustainable Future for Tuna and the People that depend on it.
Recognizing the importance of one-by-one tuna fishing practises in Indonesia, we the undersigned, agree to:
- Safeguard the health and well-being of all workers throughout our one-by-one tuna supply chains in line with international standards and recommendations.
- Use our collective voice to elevate the market recognition of one-by-one tuna fisheries, raising the profile of these fisheries with relevant decision makers and with consumers to ensure these fisheries can thrive for generations to come.
- Support investments in innovations and modern climate-friendly technology with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of one-by-one tuna supply chains to help ensure a future for even the most remote fishing communities in Indonesia.
- Take action to secure, safeguard and build opportunities for Indonesian communities to participate in highly competitive global seafood markets by providing the safest and highest quality products possible by following global best practices in handling and processing.